Thursday 6 October 2011

Victims of Cyber Bullying Face Depression

A new study suggests the effects of electronic or cyber bullying are different from traditional, face-to-face bullying. Young victims of electronic or cyber bullying which occurs online or by cell phone are more likely to suffer from depression than their tormentors are.In traditional bullying,somebody writes an insult on the bathroom wall and it’s confined to the environment of the school. We cannot be sure whether depressed kids have lower self-esteem are more easily bullied or the other way around. Gender was not a factor boys and girls equally were vulnerable. In 2006, Megan Meier, a Missouri teen, committed suicide because of online bullying. In a case that illustrates how the trend can cross boundaries of age and identity, her adult tormentors pretended to be a boy who first befriended, then insulted, and finally “dumped” her. Best Blogger Tips

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